Characteristics of Aholotl and how to grow it.

Characteristics of Aholotl and how to grow it.


This is duz😆

Everyone! Do you know the animal 'Axolotl'?

The Axolotl is an animal commonly known as the 'uparupa'.

It is said that the name 'Uparupa' was arbitrarily named to commercialize Axolotll in Japan, but the name became more famous.

Also, the origin of the Axolotls Mexico, so it is often called 'Mexican salamander'.

Today, we will learn about the characteristics of Axolotl and how to grow it.



【Characteristics of Axolotl】

Axolotl has a cute appearance that looks like it came out of a cartoon like the picture above.😍

It has a smiling face, dainty feet, and a thick tail.

Wild Axolotles are not bright, but gray-like, and in the case of Axolotles raised at home, there are many Axolotles due to vitiligo and whiteness.

The Axolotl with vitiligo is pink and white, and the Axolotl with vitiligo is anti-gold because melanin pigment production has been suppressed.

Also, the Axolotl is a positive stream.

Amphibians usually undergo a transformation in which the appearance of an adult changes from when they were young, but Axolotl is a rare amphibian that does not change and has a "type maturity" that grows into an adult as it is when it is young.



【Axolotl's Regenerative Capability and Lifetime】

✹Axolotl has a very mysterious regenerative power.✹

Axolotl is said to be able to regenerate any part of the body and even the brain and heart because it can completely regenerate skin, bone, muscle tissue, and nerve endings.😼

Experts are conducting genetic research to learn about Axolotl's mysterious regenerative ability.🧐

The lifespan of the Axolotll is an average of 10 to 20 years, a creature that lives quite a long time.

However, if you can't manage the environment in which you raise an Axolotl, you'll often die in less than five years.

In addition, small and young Axolotl, which is less than 15cm long, is more likely to be exposed to diseases, so more caution is needed đŸ˜„



【The food of the Axolotl】

Axolotl eats small fish, shrimp, and insects, but if Aholotl is raised, Axolotl's food can be supplied by purchasing exclusive feed from the Internet or at a sales shop.🩐

Sometimes, only living creatures eat it without eating feed.

If you are paying raw food, it is better not to pay Millworm because it is difficult for Axolotl to digest.

Because Axolotl cannot see things that are still, it must be shaken when feeding, and Axolotl, which is white, must be brought to your mouth because your eyesight is poor.

In the case of young Axolotl, they need to be fed daily, but adult Axolotll doesn't need much energy, so they need to be fed twice a week. 😊



【How to raise an Axolotl and precautions】

Let's learn about how to grow an Axolotl and precautions.

「How to grow an Axolotl」

  1. Water quality control

Since the Axolotl is an animal that lives in water, it is necessary to always manage the water quality.

You need to change it periodically to keep it clean.

If you don't change it regularly, it won't be kept clean, so the Axolotl can be infected with disease and shorten its life.đŸ˜„

Tap water should not be used immediately for water change, and residual chlorine in tap water should be removed, so tap water should be received in advance and left in the sun for a few days before use.☀


2. Water temperature management

When you grow an Axolotl at home, you usually have to adjust it to 15-20 degrees, and the best temperature is 18 degrees, which is lower than you think.

If you grow it at a temperature higher than the appropriate temperature, your body condition can deteriorate, so you should always check the temperature and maintain the appropriate temperature by using a fish tank cooling fan.🙂


3. Water tank management

The tank to grow the Axolotl should be selected as a tank with a large space of more than 50cm to 60cm, and there should also be a hideout where the Axolotl can rest comfortably.đŸ„°


「Precautions when raising an Axolotl」

1. single breeding

Since Axolotl is not recognized as a peer for the same species when he was young, if he raises more than two, he can think of the larger one as food and eat the smaller one.

On the contrary, the adult axolotl does not eat their relatives like they did when they were young, so it is possible to combine axolotl with each other, which is not much different in size.

2. No jointing with other fish

Axolotl recognizes fish as food, so if you raise them with other fish, you can be eaten by Axolotl.🐟

On the contrary, there are fish that recognize the Axolotl as food and try to eat the Axolotl, so it is best to raise the Axolotl alone.


So far, we've learned about Axolotl's characteristics, food, how to raise it, and precautions.

For those of you who wanted to raise Axolotl, I hope today's post was helpful and we'll come back with a helpful one next time.








​​Have a great day with the duz '◡'



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